Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 14th

for Ryan

Street Musique (1972) by Ryan Larkin


He stretched out his lace,
and colour, and shape followed
leaving more than just a trace,
of the white sand his nose breathed.

His hand followed close behind,
dragging the drink he left there,
and it remained there;
the ice pouring sweat into it's contents.

His glasses read the morning paper,
patiently waiting for it to leave their sight;
as the cheeks it rested on sagged,
and began lose light.

Ink dripped onto the floor,
dancing to a tune,
a ballad of a thin man,
too young, too soon.

by Low Weiyan (2008)

Ryan Larkin

a man with vision,
a master of art,
a hero...


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