Wednesday, March 26, 2008

scribbles from Law class...

To Night

Night is fairer to others,
Young lovers, under shelter,
Feet crossed under overcoats
Locked, eyes that refuse to part
Sharing what is true at heart.

Love? How is it such?
When their lips never touch?
Emotions that brave rough seas,
To meet sacred shores;
Tonight are all appeased.

The Moon peeks from between
storm-broken clouds,
casting shadows, that reveal
what many have, but few keep.

As they lie beside,
A unity of hands assure,
perhaps this is Truth, that
their souls would someday meet
with diamond halos.

Then again, how am I to know?
This love? That face?
Having never a chance when
Night chooses to reflect all,
But me

Tonight; alone once more,
I take a stroll on that moonlit bay;
The Moon's glow eludes me,
Denying me My Shadow.

by Low Weiyan (26 March 2008)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This Is Where... it All Began...

I know few ever touch this blog... so i guess its safe to ramble a little. Whoever has read this blog before already knows very well that nothing but videos appear here... personal life, what i wore to day, whether i scored straight As, or who i want to kill at this very moment would be something you'll never see... well make this an exception then.

Let me tell you a story... I never realized the passion i had for film till i was in form 4... sure i've made a few star wars skits on Samantha ans Clarissa's 8mm DV camcorder back when i was 8-10 buy the idea of taking my ideas to a whole new level never occurred to me...

In form 4 (2005), while sitting by the telly doing my chem homework (normal) You Get What You Give by the New Radicals started playing. Then.. it hit me.... i had this vision of a a short video filled with recordings of life in MBSSKL (Methodist Boys Secondary School KL)... raw and uncut. Nothing planned.... just whatever i could get on camera. Since that day, i spent the whole year dragging my camera to school (it was a 3.2MP Lumix... yeah its old) everyday, filming things as they happened.

I soon began to fill my comp hard drive like there was no tomorrow. Speeches, random moments, SJAM moments, special occasions, EVERYTHING, went into that camera. I soon decided on other videos, one being a football short ( i wanted to preserve these memories and images because its something... i felt worth every second of my time) and a couple of other short videos.

24th February 2005 : The Most Memorable Day in school history as far as many are concern.

It had been a good long 10 years before the school finally earned enough (3 mil approx) to build a new block... however this involved knocking down the block my classroom, 4C was in (as well as 1M, my Form 1 classroom). I had this crazy idea..... lets let things go out with a bang before they tear the place down. The night before (23rd) i called up Chang Liang and asked him to bring spray paint the following day. I supplies more spray paint and a football :)
After school ended... We made our way quickly to 4C and.. as you shall see in a segment of the video/s ... had the time of our lives.

Anyway... these videos, are my very first works as far as film and telly production is concern. A quick note.... In this video, unlike what most school students my age would have done, I didn't intend on creating an image with fantastic cinematography that would make such videos "visually engaging". My goal was to preserve what was real... not to create something synthetic.

"why did he think adding meant increase?
To me it was dilution" - Philip Arthur Larkin (from Dockery and Son)

1 year in the making.... sorry that a few people are missing and etc.
Alas, all i can say is....

THIS IS WHERE... i grew up

My Family

My Brothers in Arms

This is Where (2005)

MBS Footy (2005)

MBS VS VI spoiler (2006)

When Wai Kit gets OWNED... there is always a perfectly valid reason behind it.... don't you agree Jen Ric, Li Qun, Zhi Wang, Teck Juan, Kelvin, Jonathan Phua, Ryan, Foo, Satesh, Nemal, Jay, Roshan, Mutu, Yew Seng, Josiah, Jovin, Chong Jian, Boon Kheng, Chee Kar, Wai Hong, Loke Wee, Ta Zhi, Syukri, Brendan, Cheng Liang, Sean, Daniel, Kuan Jhun, Zhi Hao, Hashridz, Firdaus, Weinan, Au Yong, Weiyang, Shankar, Dinesh, Joe Yee, Bosco, Woei Lim, Alvin?