Wednesday, March 26, 2008

scribbles from Law class...

To Night

Night is fairer to others,
Young lovers, under shelter,
Feet crossed under overcoats
Locked, eyes that refuse to part
Sharing what is true at heart.

Love? How is it such?
When their lips never touch?
Emotions that brave rough seas,
To meet sacred shores;
Tonight are all appeased.

The Moon peeks from between
storm-broken clouds,
casting shadows, that reveal
what many have, but few keep.

As they lie beside,
A unity of hands assure,
perhaps this is Truth, that
their souls would someday meet
with diamond halos.

Then again, how am I to know?
This love? That face?
Having never a chance when
Night chooses to reflect all,
But me

Tonight; alone once more,
I take a stroll on that moonlit bay;
The Moon's glow eludes me,
Denying me My Shadow.

by Low Weiyan (26 March 2008)


Bon Iver said...

oooh. i remember you i think. the guy in the dsa doing his lit homework :D

W3iyan said...

yup! (: